About Maggie Spade

I am a mom, a healer-empath, an intuitive, and a trauma energy specialist.
Blessed with a different kind of brain and nervous system, I didn’t always feel blessed.
Hi. I’m Maggie.
There were large chunks of time when I felt like being as sensitive as I am in this world was too painful and sometimes too lonely to bear. I wanted to connect, but it seemed it was too painful to try. Most wouldn’t have known this. Only those closest to me knew how heavy the insensitivity of the world seemed, how I labored to bear it.
Being in groups of people, especially, was grinding. And exhausting.
There were a couple of times that the sheer overwhelming nature of it all nearly took me out of the game entirely. I considered shuttering the windows permanently.

My Passion
Fortunately, I had learned long ago thanks to one or two extraordinary people –
– even though, at one point, I had half forgotten –
– that there is ALWAYS a Way. And I also seem to have a persistent willingness to throw myself into the fire in the name of healing, hope, and the possibility of a brighter future.
But when looking into the face of my precious baby, I thought about what I would say to her.
How could I explain that it was all too much? And what if she has the same level of sensitivity that I do? Would I simply tell her, “Well, I couldn’t do it, but you probably can.” No, I realized. What I DO, how I BE, is all that she will take from this. I am showing her what is possible for a sensitive woman in THIS world, now.
I knew I had to try to find a way.

My Goals
So throw myself into the fire I did.
Over and over.
Along the way I’ve learned that I’m not alone, it IS 100% possible to navigate an insensitive world as a sensitive person WITHOUT exhaustion or overwhelm that takes us out, and It is 100% possible to be an entrepreneur and still show up for my family. I’ve found a lot of things that work a little and persisted until I’ve found things that are POWERFUL and efficient.
Over the course of 30 years, I’ve gathered a solid gold tool bag for the sensitive go-getter determined to create change in the world. This includes the fastest most effective and most nervous-system-honoring trauma resolution technique that I’ve found in my many years of study on the subject.
I believe this world that we’re stepping into dearly needs the gifts of sensitive people. It needs our vision and gifts to be shared as far and as wide as we can cast them.
It is my passion to empower sensitive people to create the change in the world that sometimes we alone can see, to BE joyfully in all of the spaces that change requires of us, crowded or not.